Category: Round-Up

June/ July Reading

Posted August 14, 2022 by brokengeekdesigns in Round-Up / 0 Comments
June/ July Reading

I know I’m late getting this up but the room where I normally work on my computer is hotter than the surface of the sun and even wearing short shots and having a fan pointed at me isn’t enough to make me sit in the room for long enough to edit this. I finally started […]

April and May Reads

Posted June 4, 2022 by brokengeekdesigns in Bookreview, Round-Up / 0 Comments
April and May Reads

As I was in Iceland (the country not the frozen food place) at the end of April I didn’t get around to posting my April Reads last month so I decided to put my April and May together. I’m impressed that it’s taken until this month for me to get behind. I honestly thought I […]

March Reads

Posted April 8, 2022 by brokengeekdesigns in Bookreview, Round-Up, Wrap-Up / 0 Comments
March Reads

So after the disaster that was February’s reading, I thought I’d be itching to get back into books again but did I? No. Instead, I read two Draco/Hermione fanfictions that were 21 and 63 Chapters respectively and LOVED both. If you like Harry Potter fanfic, specifically Dramione pairing I urge you to read The Green […]

February Reads

February Reads

Despite February being known as the month of love, there was nothing loving about my reads. The Month of February sucked as far as my reading went. I had several other projects such as dressmaking and a paper-cutting course that took precedent. But at the same time, I had several disappointing reads in a row […]

Posted January 28, 2022 by brokengeekdesigns in Round-Up / 0 Comments

I’m hoping that monthly update posts allow me an easier time of keeping my blog up to date. So what have I been reading during the month of January? Manners and Mutiny by Gail Carriger Given: 4 stars How: Listened to it via Audible. What: Last in the quad-rilogy of the Finishing School Series. Paranormal […]

2021 Yearly Round-Up

Posted January 1, 2022 by brokengeekdesigns in Round-Up / 0 Comments
2021 Yearly Round-Up

2021 Dumpster Fire part two. This year has sucked major balls. Even worse than 2020 believe it or not. With my sister getting sick, my mother-in-law getting cancer, many people I know dying from Covid and my depression rearing its ugly head yet AGAIN this year is definitely one that I’m glad is gone. On […]

March Wrap up

Posted April 13, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in Round-Up / 0 Comments
March Wrap up

Reading log Yes this post is late. Very late. But my depression has been playing up something awful over the past few weeks and to be honest, I’m grateful I managed to get out of bed at all. In March I read 20 books and by read I mean that there wasn’t a single DNF […]

Feb Wrap up

Posted March 4, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in Round-Up / 0 Comments
Feb Wrap up

Reading log During the month of February, I have read 18 books. Sort of. I started to read 18 books is probably more accurate. Here they are. Best and Worst I read some really great ones this month and some not so great. In fact, there were 3 DNF’s in one month which I really […]