As I was in Iceland (the country not the frozen food place) at the end of April I didn’t get around to posting my April Reads last month so I decided to put my April and May together. I’m impressed that it’s taken until this month for me to get behind. I honestly thought I would have ‘forgotten’ to do this by March.
It was a good few months, reading-wise. I had several to read for ARCs and Booktours but I managed to do it with little to no actual panic. April I managed 13 and May I read a whopping 21! Turns out I really needed to blitz through some series in order to get myself back in the Zone.

Title: When the Moon Shines by Lucia Ashta
Given: 4
How: EARC from the author for Xpresso Tours
What: A Paranormal Romance Fantasy Western where magical creatures are stuck in one town by a sorcerer.
Review: See full review https://www.brokengeekdesigns.com/2022/04/14/six-shooter/

Title: Midnight Wings by Ariele Sieling
Given: 3
How: Ebook from Booksirens
What: Cinderella in space.
Review: An engineer of space ships is stuck living with her abusive stepmother and sisters. Her only way out is through a pilot competition which is held by the Prince. Nice little details snuck within that hail back to the Disney Version. Enjoyable alternatives to magic fairy godmothers.

Title: The Story Thief by Graham Carter
Given: 5
How: Physical
What: An octopus living in the sea wonders why people are so entranced by the marked paper that falls into his home. So he goes about stealing the books to entertain himself.
Review: A beautifully illustrated book that has real feeling. I loved the poor octopus wondering why he wasn’t getting the same joy from the books- he can’t read! The ending was sweet and I loved reading it out loud.

Title: A Bears guide to beekeeping by Pip Cornell
Given: 4
How: Physical
What: A picture book with instructions on how to be a beekeeper
Review: All of the instructions were blatantly false and would end up with you being severely injured. Do not follow. But very funny.

Title: The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
Given: 5
How: Physical ARC from UKTor and Black Crow
What: Hidden in the earth are portals to another world which contains huge Godzilla like creatures.
Review: Full review https://www.brokengeekdesigns.com/2022/04/08/kaiju-scalzi/

Title: Michael Rosen’s Sticky McStickstick
Given: 3
How: Physical
What: Michael Rosen caught Covid and had to recover with the use of a stick
Review: This is akin to his book of Sad. The illustrations are quite bleak but are full of his usual style

Title: Monsters Born and Made by Tanvi Berwah
Given: 3
How: Netgalley
What: Hunger Games meets Ben Hur
Review: The ruling elite use monsters from the sea to race to the death for glory and more riches. The Hunters are only allowed to capture and train but not compete until Koral decides to enter. Interesting world-building that got oddly complicated at times. Feels like the start of a series as the ending is uncertain.

Title: Through Dark Storms by Clare Sager
Given: 5
How: EARC from author
What: Pirates of the Caribbean meets National Treasure but make it magic and put a woman in charge
Review: I can not tell you how much I love this series! Good lord, it is truly fantastic. Vice is the Pirate Queen, Knigh the Military Captain tasked to bring her in. But he can’t help falling for the real woman behind the legend. Vice has more secrets than anyone, the least of which is trying to find the hidden treasure of a famous pirate. She doesn’t have time to let down her guard or fall for this handsome man. But others are after her treasure and she is in more danger than either of them can handle separately. But together they might. Excellent Characters, great one-liners, exciting plot and hot hot hot sex scenes. I had no idea I needed this in my life. Do yourself a favour and read it.

Title: Flames and Crystal Thorns by Kay Moody
Given: 3
How: EARC From the author
What: A human forced into helping the world of the Fae from very real danger.
Review: I thought this was a solid read. I enjoyed Chloe’s interactions with the annoying yet attractive Quintus and the way he tried so obviously to keep his interest in her secret. I hadn’t read the other parts of the series but I didn’t feel too left behind. Chloe has some issues such as previous trauma and health issues that mean she doesn’t suddenly become Wonderwoman which is a nice change in ‘chosen one’ fae stories.

Title: Romancing Mr Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Colin and Penelope’s story
Review: This is the quintillionth time I have read this and I love it each and every time. As a rather chubby girl myself, I always felt for Penelope and how she puts herself down but tries to help others. Her long-standing crush on Colin is so painful and yet full of hope. The scene with her entire family not understanding who Colin wants to marry breaks my heart every time I read it.

Title: A Throne of Shadows by Tessonja Oderre
Given: 4
How: EARC from author
What: Fantasy Kingdoms on the brink of war but manipulated by someone with power.
Review: Think Grima Wormtongue and King Theoden and add lost princesses, deal with the devil and Prince’s on a quest to win a tournament. Complex and yet so satisfying, especially when there are twists and things I genuinely did not see coming. Brilliant characters and a fun fantasy world- what’s not to like?

Title: A Lady’s formula for love by Elizabeth Everett
Given: 2
How: Kindle
What: Regency STEM romance
Review: A smart woman needs a bodyguard when working for the crown. This bodyguard is sweet and protective and a champion of ladies’ intelligence. The lady in question is clever but with low self-esteem and her friends really do suck. It was all a bit obvious but was a decent read.

Title: How to train your Goblin King by Erin Vere
Given: 4
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Terry Pratchett writes the Labyrinth
Review: Highly recommend it to any fans of the labyrinth. So many lines that felt plucked straight from the film. Floss wanted to be a lawyer but because she is a woman she has to practically force her way in and then manages to jeopardize it by accidentally wishing away her niece to the Goblins. Genuinely loved this so much.


Title: The Carnival of Ash by Tom Beckerlegge
Given: 3 DNF
How: Physical Copy via The Write Reads and the author
What: Alternate-world historical novel about Poets.
Review: Full review at https://www.brokengeekdesigns.com/2022/05/01/carnival-of-ash/

Title: Wolf Gone Wild by Juliette Cross
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Paranormal Romance with a witch and a werewolf
Review: Mateo the werewolf is cursed and his wolf Alpha is not happy about it. It’s up to Evie to cure the hex and save the day. A very sweet and easy read with humour and heat. Loved it.

Title: Don’t hex and drive by Juliette Cross
Given: 4
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance with a witch and a vampire
Review: Isadora (Izzy) is taken from her quiet existence when Devraj the Bollywood star and secret Vampire accidentally hits her with his car. Now she is in his sights and she is roped into the mystery of missing girls from their neighbourhood. Adorable. Poor Isadora is quite sure that she doesn’t fit into Dev’s lifestyle of opulence and fame but he is not going to take no for an answer. This led me to start looking up Bollywood stars and now I have a whole other list of things I need to watch.

Title: Witches get stitches by Juliette Cross
Given: 3
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance with a witch and werewolf
Review: Violet is glad to be opening her own tattoo store and using her affinity with the tarot to help her and her friends in their lives. If only she didn’t have to partner with Nico who the cards have told her is no good for her. But Nico knows she is the only one for him if only he can convince her that the cards are wrong.

Title: Walking in a Witchy Wonderland by Juliette cross
Given: 5
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance short stories set in the Same world
Review: I very much enjoyed these little glimpses into life after the story is over. Also the Charlie and JJ story was so freaking cute!

Title: Bad things happen here by Rebecca Barrow
Given: 1 DNF
How: Netgalley
What: YA murder mystery set in a small town
Review: Could get very far as I really couldn’t stand the characters. Even relatively early on I couldn’t find enough interest in me to pursue the storyline.

Title: The Collarbound by Rebecca Zahabi
Given: 3
How: Physical Copy from Publisher
What: Fantasy with Mages and a really unique world
Review: Review at https://www.brokengeekdesigns.com/2022/05/13/collarbound/

Title: Your Vileness by R. R. Orange
Given: 3
How: Netgalley
What: YA Fantasy Romance
Review: Cute little Mystery Fantasy Romance. Amandine is sent to find out what and who is haunting the palace. The Crown Prince, known as your Vileness, tries to get in her way but they have far more in common than they think. A nice little easy read.

Title: Stealing Infinity by Alyson Noel
Given: 4
How: Netgalley
What: Dark Academica time travel thieves
Review: Take The Atlas Six and mix it with the Inheritance games and Jodi Taylor’s St. Mary’s series. An academy for time travellers recruits Natasha after her life goes down the toilet. They are trained to go back in time and steal expensive artefacts. But there is more than their secret benefactor wants and if they don’t get it, they get lost in time. Interesting read with a mysterious and intriguing mystery. Well worth the read.

Title: A Labyrinth of Fangs and thorn by Lana Pecherczyk
Given: 4
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance set in post-apocalyptic Future
Review: Peaches and Haze. Vampire Haze discovers a Human from the past in the Queen’s dungeon. Peaches has been a blood slave for 6 years, ever since she thawed out in this time. She was a geologist who knows how to find uranium and she gets the powers of Earth.

Title: The Longing of Lone Wolves by Lana Pecherczyk
Given: 4
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance set in post-apocalyptic Future
Review: Rush and Clarke. Werewolf Haze was banished and cursed to be invisible until he meets Clarke- a human from the past. She was a psychic who knew the codes of the nuclear weapon which destroyed humanity. She becomes a Seer.

Title: The Solace of Sharp claws by Lana Pecherczyk
Given: 3
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance set in post-apocalyptic Future
Review: Thorn and Laurel. Werewolf Thorne was seemingly abandoned by his father Rush and his mentor Jasper. Laurel was a fitness Queen, tortured until her friend gave up nuclear launch codes and she gains the power of fire.

Title: The Dreams of Broken Kings by Lana Pecherczyk
Given: 3
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance set in post-apocalyptic Future
Review: Jasper and Ada. Werewolf Jasper was kidnapped and held against his will half-shifted and has lost his memories. But he knows that Ada is his. Ada awoke to find herself alone with this man who claims to be her mate. She was a survival expert who lived in the woods as a child. She develops healing powers.

Title: The Secrets in Shadow and Blood by Lana Pecherczyk
Given: 3
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance set in post-apocalyptic Future
Review: Indigo and Violet. Vampire Indigo drank well-blessed human blood once and now has a taste for it. Violet was a nuclear physicist and made the plans for the nuclear bomb. She hunts vampires for fun and is very mean to Indigo. She develops air and molecular powers.

Title: A Symphony of Savage Hearts by Lana Pecherczyk
Given: 2
How: Kindle Unlimited
What: Paranormal Romance set in post-apocalyptic Future
Review: Shade and Silver. Vampire Shade thinks he is gods gift to women. He grew up in a brothel and has abandonment issues. Silver was a welder and makes weapons for the human city. She is tasked with stealing a child from the Guardians and allows Shade to get close in order to betray them. In an odd fetish/comfort way she needs to be constrained in order to feel alive. She gets necrotising power from the inky side of the well.

Title: The Footman and I by Valerie Bowman
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Regency Romance
Review: 3 Lords disguise themselves as servants at a house party. The Earl of Kendall is a footman in order to find a wife. Frances Wharton just knows that he is one of the kindest and most attractive of men and he’s helping her avoid an unwelcome suitor. Funny and a bit cringing at the same time but hugely enjoyable.

Title: Duke looks like a groomsman by Valerie Bowman
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Regency Romance
Review: Duke Rhys Worthington is pretending to be a groomsman in order to win a bet. Yet Lady Julianna, the one woman he let go of, sees right through him and she has some revenge planned. Loved Lady Julianna as she was such a wonderful force of nature without coming across as a harridan.

Title: The Valet who loved me by Valerie Bowman
Given: 3.5
How: Kindle
What: Regency Romance
Review: Marquess Bellingham is a spy and is masquerading as a valet in order to weed out a traitor. If only ladies maid Marianne Notley would stop being so suspicious of him. Except she has secrets of her own that he is determined to uncover. Mostly enjoyable except for the oh so convenient “lost relative with connections” that allows them to be together at the end.

Title: Save a Horse, Ride a Viscount by Valerie Bowman
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Regency Romance
Review: Viscount Clayton bought the most expensive horse to help his friend back on his feet after the war. Lady Theodora Ballard is determined to get her horse back after her father sold it. It is all she has left of her mother. But the very disagreeable Viscount will not let her. Now she must take matters into her own hands. Excellent fun.

Title: Earl Lessons by Valerie Bowman
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Regency Romance
Review: Marianne Notley’s brother (The VALET WHO LOVED ME) Captain David Ellsworth is now an Earl and has no idea how to go about it. He is used to being straightforward and honest and the ton, frankly, scares him. But Lady Annabelle Bellham is hardly the right person to teach him, given how very rude she was upon their first meeting. Yet with each Earl’s lesson on how to attract a wife, it seems that the perfect wife for him is indeed the one in front of him. Finally, a book where the man is sensible and not overbearing. Loved David and the way he was so straight and upfront. Very steamy but wonderfully light.

Title: The Duke is back by Valerie Bowman
Given: 4
How: Kindle
What: Regency Romance
Review: Phillip regained his life after his friend Clayton saved him but after being declared dead he lost his title and his fiancée to his cousin. Now he’s back and he intends to claim both. If only Sophie would forgive him for leaving her for so long. Nice story to round out all of the others, bringing all of our favourites together again. I will miss this series.

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