Tag: tag

The Cake Flavoured Book Tag

Posted March 19, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat, Tag / 4 Comments
The Cake Flavoured Book Tag

I was tagged by the wonderful Leslie from Books are the new black in this cake flavoured questions. It has really made me think and I loved revisiting some of my old books. The Questions: CHOCOLATE — a dark book that you loved I actually had this on audiobook as I was concerned I’d forever […]

The Butterface book tag

Posted February 11, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat / 4 Comments
The Butterface book tag

I read the Could Do Better Book Tag from The Book Place who does such lovely reviews and it made me think of several books that I have read or that are upcoming this year whose covers made me grimace. The Book Place got it from C.J. Reads who is a booktuber I hadn’t heard […]


Posted January 19, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat / 3 Comments

So I was surfing ‘the Youtubes’ looking for something to watch and I came across a tag from October of last year where people were talking about books that they will not read and it made me smile. I love talking about things that bother me and so I decided to do my own anti-tbr. […]