Tag: blog tour

Book Review for Things to do B..

Posted April 27, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 4 Comments
Book Review for Things to do Before the End of the World by Emily Barr

Author- Emily Barr Title- Things to do Before the End of the World Publisher- Penguin Publication Date- May 13 20221 Genre- YA contemporary future Comments- I was given a free copy from Netgalley and @the_writereads in exchange for an honest review. The impending end of the world had no influence on my opinion. Synopsis Live […]

Book Review: Fid’s Crusade b..

Posted April 6, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 3 Comments
Book Review: Fid’s Crusade by David H Reiss

Title: Fid’s Crusade Author: David H Reiss Publisher: Independently Published Publication Date: March 2018 Comment: I was given a free copy by @the_writereads and the author in exchange for an honest review. The constant threats of death from rogue superheroes did not sway me. BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over […]

Book Review- Die of Death by K..

Posted March 31, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments
Book Review- Die of Death by Kenneth B Andersen

Title: The Die of Death Book 2 in The Great Devil War Author: Kenneth B Andersen Publisher: Høst and Søn Publication Date: 15 Oct 2018 Comment: I received a free ecopy for Review in exchange for honest opinions from @the_writereads and Kenneth B Andersen Synopsis: Philip’s adventures as the Devil’s apprentice have changed him for […]

Book Review- The Unspoken Name..

Posted February 26, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments
Book Review- The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood

Title– The Unspoken Name Author– A.J. Larkwood Publisher– Tor Books Publication date– 20 Feb 2020 Tour Date– Feb 27th Disclaimer– I received a free copy from TOR books in exchange for an honest review. Notes- My Grandmother passed away this month and on top of all the stress with coroners and funerals etc I didn’t […]

Book Review- The Devil’s..

Posted December 2, 2019 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 1 Comment
Book Review- The Devil’s Apprentice by Kenneth B Andersen

December 2nd Blog Tour Title– The Devil’s Apprentice. The Great Devil War Author– Kenneth B Andersen Publisher– Host and Son Publication Date– 15 Oct 2018 Synopsis Philip is a good boy, a really good boy, who accidentally gets sent to Hell to become the Devil’s heir. The Devil, Lucifer, is dying and desperately in need […]

Book review. The Sky Weaver by..

Posted November 17, 2019 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments
Book review. The Sky Weaver by Kristen Ciccarelli

November 17th Blog Tour Title: The Sky Weaver. Book 3 in the Iskari series. Author: Kristen Ciccarelli Publisher: Gollancz Publication date:: November 14th Synopsis: At the end of one world, there always lies another. Safire, a soldier, knows her role in this world is to serve the King of Firgaard—helping to maintain the peace in […]

Book Review. Angel Mage by Gar..

Posted October 9, 2019 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments
Book Review. Angel Mage by Garth Nix

October 9th Blog Tour Title: Angel Mage Author- Garth Nix Publisher: Gollancz Publication Date: 17th October 2019 Synopsis More than a century has passed since Liliath crept into the empty sarcophagus of Saint Marguerite, fleeing the Fall of Ystara. But she emerges from her magical sleep still beautiful, looking no more than nineteen, and once […]