Category: Wrap-Up

March Reads

Posted April 8, 2022 by brokengeekdesigns in Bookreview, Round-Up, Wrap-Up / 0 Comments
March Reads

So after the disaster that was February’s reading, I thought I’d be itching to get back into books again but did I? No. Instead, I read two Draco/Hermione fanfictions that were 21 and 63 Chapters respectively and LOVED both. If you like Harry Potter fanfic, specifically Dramione pairing I urge you to read The Green […]

February Reads

February Reads

Despite February being known as the month of love, there was nothing loving about my reads. The Month of February sucked as far as my reading went. I had several other projects such as dressmaking and a paper-cutting course that took precedent. But at the same time, I had several disappointing reads in a row […]

January Wrap Up

Posted January 31, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in Wrap-Up / 1 Comment
January Wrap Up

Reading Log During the Month of January I have managed to read 20 books! I think this might be some sort of record for me. Best and Worst My Favourite would have to be A Court of Mists and Fury by Sarah J Maas. This would be the third read-through of this book in expectation […]