2021 Dumpster Fire part two. This year has sucked major balls. Even worse than 2020 believe it or not. With my sister getting sick, my mother-in-law getting cancer, many people I know dying from Covid and my depression rearing its ugly head yet AGAIN this year is definitely one that I’m glad is gone.
On the other hand, I did get a hell of a lot of reading done. So there is that.
In 2021 I read 201 books
or 220 if you believe Goodreads. I have no idea why there is a 19 book discrepancy but I have been very meticulous about keeping track this year so I’m going with 201.
I chose my Goodreads goal as 50 again because I didn’t want to stress myself out about reaching a goal if things got bad. I’m really glad that I did as I was able to get through a lot of my Netgalley reads and re-read some favourites too.
My first book of the year was finishing off Sarah J Maas’ Crescent City but the first full book of 2021 was The End we Start from and the final book was Curtsies and Conspiracies which I finished at 11:38 New Years Eve.
My Top Ten Reads for 2021
These were all fantastic reads this year. I discovered Tessonja Odette and have bought practically all of her books. I also began a love affair with Raven Kennedy and S McPherson. This is mostly thanks to FaRoFeb (Fantasy Romance Feb) which I also discovered this year and made my TBR almost 6 times longer than it should be.
My Most Disappointing Reads
Books I DNFed
This year I gave myself full permission to DNF a book if it didn’t grip me, no matter how long I had waited for it. So whether it was a confusing mass of incomprehensible sentences (Her Blackened Soul), the overuse of a made-up swearword (Mage Rosewood) or I just wasn’t in the mood (Monster Punk Horizon): If it didn’t grab my attention then I didn’t carry on reading.
My TBR is too long to give a damn.
Honourable mentions
Were they all that?
… they were all that and a bag of chips. Mostly 4 or 5 stars. I was mostly a happy little Bibliophile this year.
Where did I get the books this year?
Method | Number |
Audible | 5 |
BBNYA | 3 |
Booksiren | 6 |
EARC | 7 |
Kindle | 61 |
Library | 1 |
Netgalley | 55 |
Pub | 3 |
Own | 25 |
Tour | 35 |
My aim for this year was to try to get my Netgalley score up. Last year I was steady at 78% and I read and reviewed 55 Netgalley books this year. Did that help my average? I’m currently at 77% so no. It did not. There were so many great books out and, again, I got a little trigger happy with my request-ing.
Oh well, there is always next year.
I also received a number of books from publishers this year (some even unsolicited!). This makes me extremely happy and I’m slowly building my reputation and audience.
I also took part in so many tours which I slightly overdid at one point and have had to take a step back.
Out of 201 books, 167 were not physical- either Kindle, Audio or Mobi.
What Genres did I read?
This was actually hard because there are so many new cross-over genres. Like some YA were also fantasy and many fantasies are also paranormal romance.
The only thing I know for sure is I read far too many paranormal romances and very little Non-fiction this year.
The Books!
Paranormal Romance
There you go. Has this taken me all day? Yes. Do I have backache? Yes. Was it worth it…
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