Category: bookchat


Posted January 19, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat / 3 Comments

So I was surfing ‘the Youtubes’ looking for something to watch and I came across a tag from October of last year where people were talking about books that they will not read and it made me smile. I love talking about things that bother me and so I decided to do my own anti-tbr. […]

Books I’m looking forwar..

Posted January 5, 2021 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat / 2 Comments
Books I’m looking forward to Jan/Feb

There are quite a few books released this year that I am looking forwards to. Many of them are released during the first half of the year which is great news for booklists- bad news for my bank balance (or my husband’s as, seriously, why else get married other than more money for books… Love! […]

Book Review- Knightmare Arcani..

Posted July 13, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, bookchat / 2 Comments
Book Review- Knightmare Arcanist by Shami Stovall

Title- Knightmare Arcanist. Book 1 of the Frith Chronicles Author- Shami Stovall Publisher- Capital Station Books Publication Date- 19 Jun 2019 Comment- I recived a free copy from the author via @the_write reads in exchange for an honest review. Blog tour dates- July 8-22nd Synopsis Magic. Sailing. A murderer among heroes. Gravedigger Volke Savan wants […]

Book Review- The Angel of Evil..

Posted July 6, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, bookchat / 0 Comments
Book Review- The Angel of Evil by Kenneth B Andersen

Book review– The Angel of Evil by Kenneth B Andersen Title– The Angel of Evil Author– Kenneth B Andersen Publisher– Kenneth B Andersen Publication date– Nov 2019 Comments- I received a free ecopy from the author and @the_writereads in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Synopsis Nothing will ever be the […]

Book Review of Tipping Point b..

Posted March 8, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat, Bookreview / 1 Comment
Book Review of Tipping Point by Terry Tyler

Title: Tipping Point Author: Terry Tyler Publisher: Amazon Publication Date: 2017 Comment: I bought a copy on Kindle after it was recommended by the author herself. However, all opinions in this review are mine. Synopsis: ‘I didn’t know danger was floating behind us on the breeze as we walked along the beach, seeping in through […]

5 Post-Apocalyptic Novels

Posted January 12, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat, Bookreview / 7 Comments
5 Post-Apocalyptic Novels

I love me some End of the World stuff, whether it’s Zombie apocalypse, global epidemic, Armageddon, Rapture, Judgement day, Alien invasion or cosmic joke; basically, anything where the majority of the population dies and I’m all over it. That said things can get a little stale. After all, Resident Evil’s T-Virus is The Walking Dead […]

YALC 2019 Storytime.

Posted August 14, 2019 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat / 0 Comments
YALC 2019 Storytime.

Warning- includes sarcasm. For those of you who don’t know, YALC is the Young Adult literature convention which takes place annually in London, on the floor above London Film and Comic Con. It’s a fun place where you can go to meet your favourite Young Adult authors, do writers workshops, meet your favourite bloggers and […]

Book Tattoos

Posted June 25, 2019 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat, Uncategorized / 3 Comments
Book Tattoos

I adore tattoos. I think there is something beautiful and elegant about a well-done piece of art forever etched onto the body. I’m a massive fan of Tattoo Fixers, Ink Master, Bad Ink, LA Ink, America’s worst tattoos and pretty much any other show where they set on you with a tattoo machine and a […]

Broken Books

Posted June 15, 2019 by brokengeekdesigns in bookchat / 3 Comments
Broken Books

When is a book not a book? When it’s been read and loved so often that its pages become softer than skin, when its spine is battered and broken and the only thing holding it together is old tape and memories. Then it’s no longer a book: it’s a treasure. Working in a library I […]