2020 the Year that was a dumpster-fire of epic proportions.

In 2020 I read 169 books.
Considering I set my goal on Netgalley as 50, I think I did pretty well.
My goal for this year was to do more intuitive reading but I did end up doing lots of tours and Netgalley catchups and there were periods of fanfiction reading which I needed to keep myself going during the hellscape that was 2020.
I started and finished the year off with a Sarah J. Maas book so I think that sort of acts as nice bookends.

My Top Ten reads for 2020

These were all 5 star reads for me. I realise with Cruel Prince and Six of Crows I’m late to the game but I really loved them. Also if you’ve not read A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking you really should.

My Most Disappointing reads

The Books I DNFed This year

I want to go back and try Ninth House again. I also am going to retry All the Stars and Teeth as I think I just really wasn’t in the mood for it at the time but I would love to try again.
Same with My Fence is Electric. I just wasn’t in the mood for Short stories.
But only 12 out of 169. That’s 93% finished. Yay me.

Where did I get my Books?
Audible | 11 |
Audio Netgalley | 1 |
BBYNA | 3 |
Downloaded | 1 |
Eidelwiess | 1 |
Kindle | 21 |
Library | 29 |
Netgalley | 52 |
Own | 27 |
Rachels Random Resources | 4 |
Sent | 6 |
Write Reads | 11 |

I had planned to try to read more of my own books this year, to try and knock my TBR down a bit. But, as always, my fingers went trigger-happy and I ended up with over 30% of the books I read being from Netgalley. Did that drive my Netgalley Percentage up?
Did it bollocks.
Although I was much much better at reviewing my Netgalley’s this year so I’ve managed to keep it steady at 78%.
25 Books were acquired from Booktours or direct from the publishers as ARCs to review which I’m really pleased about because I feel like I’m spreading my wings a bit when it comes to the Booktwitter verse.
I had ‘read’ a lot more audio books this year because I had some sight problems which made reading on a screen hard. The one I particularly enjoyed on Audiobook was Rage of Dragons.

What Genre’s did you read?

Adult | 5 |
Biographies | 1 |
Crime | 2 |
Dystopia | 6 |
Fanfiction | 1 |
Fantasy | 27 |
Graphic Novel | 7 |
Horror | 2 |
Middle Grade | 3 |
Non-Fiction | 35 |
Novella | 7 |
Picture Books | 10 |
Romance | 12 |
Short Stories | 4 |
YA | 47 |
As you can see it was mostly YA and Non-Fiction. Again. I love me some good craft books.

The Books!!









So there you have it. 2020 in all its glory. A lot of reading, a lot of moping and much hiding my head in the sand pretending to be an ostrich.
Did you read any of these?
169 books is incredible! Fab post, love how you’ve structured it too!
Thank you for commenting! I was worried I had too many statistics.