Book Review- A Good demon is hard to find by Kate Moseman

Posted May 24, 2020 by brokengeekdesigns in blogtour, Bookreview / 0 Comments

A Good Demon Is Hard to Find Ebook Cover Wide 683x1024 - Book Review- A Good demon is hard to find by Kate Moseman

Title: A Good demon is hard to find

Author: Kate Moseman

Publisher: Fortunella Press

Publish Date: 22 March 2020

Blog Tour: 23rd May -27th May

Comments: I received a free copy from Rachel’s random resources in return for an honest review.


When Erin thoughtlessly lays a curse on Mark, her cheating soon-to-be ex-husband, she doesn’t expect a well-dressed Great Earl of Hell to show up in her kitchen to fulfil the curse (and make damn good coffee while he’s at it).

Andromalius specializes in wickedness and revenge. He’s ready, willing, and able to rain down hell on Erin’s ex—but when Mark announces a hasty new marriage, Erin needs more than just revenge.

She needs a date to the wedding.


Erin’s soon-to-be ex-husband Mark is a cheating scumbag. And worse than that, her best friend is his side piece. It’s enough to drive anyone to drink… or curse.

But her hasty curse ends up being the very words to bring a fallen angel to her aid in the form of the very delicious Andromalius. Andromalius- or Andy to his friends- is not quite heaven sent. For one thing that’s the wrong direction.

He spends his time helping Erin to plan revenge on the ones who’ve done her wrong and making her feel better. Whether that’s making his pants fall down in church, or pretending to be her new boyfriend to the wedding. And if pretending to be a couple starts to feel right, well… to hell with it.

I think I read this book in one sitting and couldn’t stop giggling. It was light, it was fluffy and it was just plain adorable.

Kate Moseman has a way with words so that even the seemingly dark subject matter or demons, witches and everlasting vengeance didn’t seem bad or ridiculous.

The chemistry between Erin and Andy was obvious from the start but they took their time in falling in love so there was no ‘insta-love, suspend your belief” type scenario that you find in a lot of modern romance books.

Andy was adorable and so I found it a little hard to believe that he was a Great Earl of Hell. He didn’t seem to have that killer instinct. In fact, most of his ‘revenge ideas’ were just childish pranks to annoy rather than dastardly vile actions. Still, he was rounded enough with his insecurities to make for an interesting character.

Erin, while being a bit flighty at times, was also well rounded and quite realistic. Once faced with evidence of the occult she didn’t deny it but sought to understand it which I thought was a great character move.

I also loved all of the side characters. Raya and Phoenix were brilliant and their banter has me eagerly awaiting their book- which I hope is next in the series.

The plot moves along quickly and, despite the side diversion of Andy’s disappearance, stays on point. Great characters, good plot and a really great writing style to boot- what else do you need?

It was definitely a sweet rom-com and I could see it being made into a film.


Fans of the Good Place and Good Omens would enjoy its light-hearted look at heaven and hell.

I’d recommend tucking up with a glass of wine, a slice of cake and just get lost in the sweet romance.

A Good Demon Is Hard To Find Full Tour Banner 1024x465 - Book Review- A Good demon is hard to find by Kate Moseman
I’m a day late. Because my brain can’t distinguish between 23rd and 25th. Sorry!

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